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The American Board, also known as the American Board for the Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE), is a non-profit organization dedicated to putting qualified professionals in classrooms.

We offer an online independent study program that will prepare you to teach. The program is much more affordable than returning to school and can be completed at your own pace. Most students take an average of 10 months from enrollment to certification, with many working full-time jobs while preparing!

The program will prepare students to teach the subject(s) of their choice. Subjects offered include elementary education, biology, mathematics, English language arts, and more.

The American Board is accepted as an approved route for full teacher certification in the 11 different states and some international schools. Click a state name below to further learn the steps required for certification in that state.



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Call 1-877-669-2228 (option 1) to speak with a representative from the American Board.

Get the answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions here.

And read our blog for helpful tips and advice for those in the program (and alumni too).
