You can become a teacher in Mississippi on your own schedule, without quitting your current job or going into debt. Try our teacher certification program free for seven days and see if you are ready to start earning your Mississippi teaching certificate. Enroll anytime and get started to become a Mississippi teacher through our state-approved, nonprofit program.
Choose a subject below to learn more about the requirements to teach that subject:
To earn teacher certification in Mississippi from American Board, candidates will need to meet the following requirements:
OR An ACT score of 21 or higher (or SAT score of 1060 or higher)
OR qualifying passing score on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators examination as established by the state Board of Education.
2. Praxis Subject Assessment
Once you meet these requirements, you will need to complete the following steps:
1. Complete the American Board program
2. Obtain a teaching position in a Mississippi school
3. Apply to the Mississippi Department of Education for a state-issued initial alternate teaching license. This license is only good for one year and is non-renewable.
4. Complete one of the following:
a. Mississippi e-Learning for Educators 8 week online course
b. 9 hours of MAT (Classroom Management, Data Analysis, and Special Education) graduate-level university courses. Hours can be applied towards a master’s degree.
5. While teaching, complete a one year mentoring program. Mentoring programs are offered at no cost by most MS school districts
6. During your first year of teaching, apply to the Mississippi Board of Education to upgrade your initial alternate teaching license into a state-issued standard teaching license. This license will need to be renewed every five years throughout your career.
For more information on state teaching requirements, visit the Mississippi Board of Education's website or call them at (601) 359-3768. Our team works closely with the BOE to ensure that our alumni have the resources they need to succeed as Mississippi teachers.
We are available to answer your questions via email, chat or phone. Reach out to us with questions and we’ll be happy to help you figure out if our program is the right fit for your needs.
Call 1-877-669-2228 to speak with our Enrollment Team or click the button below to email us.