If you have a passion for the systems of plants and animals, you could be a future biology teacher. American Board’s Biology teacher certification program is designed to ensure that candidates have a thorough knowledge of topics ranging from the basic functions of DNA to the biochemical basis for life. Our program is simple- prepare for and take two certification exams, complete state requirements, and start a teaching career without debt. With open enrollment, you can get started anytime and become a teacher in less than one year!
Read more about how you could become a biology teacher through our state-approved program.
In order to become a biology teacher through American Board’s teacher certification program, you will need to meet the following requirements:
American Board’s biology teacher certification is currently offered in the following states. Click a state below to learn of the specific requirements to become a teacher in that state:
American Board currently offers two Biology teacher certification programs – Biology Standard and Biology Premium. Both programs take the same exams. Read below to learn what is included with these programs.
Study Plans: Our study plans are based on best practices and recommendations from students that have already completed our program.
Prepare to Teach Workshops: Familiarize yourself with teaching concepts and practices using online lessons, video case studies, and printable resources.
Online Refresher Course: Explore over 300 pages of material, dedicating more time to topics that need intense review and breezing through what you already know.
Practice Exams: Practice in the same format as the real test on more than 300 sample questions. These include full-length tests, topic quizzes, timed and untimed modes, and complete explanations of the answers.
Exams: Take exams when you are ready, according to your own schedule. Testing is available year-round at Pearson VUE centers, Monday-Saturday.
PTK Workbook: Did you know you need to learn one hundred different standards in order to pass the American Board Professional Teaching Knowledge (PTK) exam? We’ve designed a one hundred page workbook to help maximize studying for the PTK exam. It provides a concrete way to navigate and learn the exam’s standards.
PTK Quiz Bank I: This quiz bank focuses on the topics that students have the most difficulty with on the actual exam. This tool is designed so that candidates can avoid test pitfalls and succeed the first time they test.
PTK Quiz Bank II: A perfect complement to Quiz Bank I, this study resource ensures that candidates will also focus on the remaining topics that must be mastered in order to pass the PTK exam.
Biology Premium Certification Program includes everything listed above, plus the following additions not offered with the Standard program:
Biology Workbook: This workbook is an organized view of ALL biology standards included in the program. The exam will cover the topics included in this workbook.
Biology Quiz Bank: This quiz bank covers the topics that students have missed the most on the actual biology exam.
The Job Counseling Webinar: This webinar walks you through the job hunting process. From searching for a job right down to the interview, you’ll learn a variety of best practices that will help you land your dream job.
The Job Counseling Workbook: This workbook has various templates to help you format your resume, cover letter, and other documents that will be used to apply for teaching positions. The workbook also provides students with tools to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and advice on how to best present their skills in job interviews.
We are available to answer your questions via email, chat, or phone. Reach out to us with questions and we’ll be happy to help you figure out if our program is the right fit for your needs.
Call 1-877-669-2228 to speak with our Enrollment Team or click the button below to email us.