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Tag Archives Teacher Tips

Teaching is a historically female-dominated profession, but that is rapidly changing. More men than ever are now earning teacher certifications or degrees and taking their place in the classroom. While the percentage of men in the classroom is growing,…

Both career changers and new teachers fresh out of college need to examine their wardrobe when preparing for their career in the classroom. What might be acceptable to wear in a corporate office or college classroom is not always…

Here at the American Board, we want our candidates to succeed. We do this in many ways: phone and email support, the Study Buddy program, and encouraging blog articles. But the best support our candidates receive is advice from…

Teachers are passionate people; passionate people who spend more on their students and classrooms each year thanks to dwindling district-wide budgets. In fact, on average, teachers nationwide spend between $500-$1,000 of their own money on their classrooms annually. Between…
