Drexel University School of Education is conducting a deep-dive into the validity and effectiveness of American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence’s alternative teacher certification program. The first study Drexel University conducted in 2016 was done to evaluate both…
Tag Archives Teacher Observations
With all that principals have to do in the complex and fast-paced environment of today’s PK – 12 schools, teacher/instructional observation can often get lost as another item on the “to do” list. This is especially true in many…
Those who have followed education policy and improvement efforts in the United States for at least the past 15 years know that two of the major points of debate have surrounded curriculum and assessment. Policy makers, business leaders, educators,…
An 11/14/14 Education Week article by former Los Angeles Unified School District teacher Walt Gardner highlights some provocative issues surrounding equity in teacher assignments. In his article, Gardner frames his argument around a California Superior Court case Vergara v.…
The current era of accountability in PK – 12 education in the United States has forever changed the way schools operate and measure their effectiveness in achieving their mission, which is to educate students. One of the most significant…
The accountability movement in education in the United States over the past 15 years has forever changed the way that public schools in this country function. Every area of school operations has changed because of the heightened emphasis on…
It is a well-known fact of practice and research that the classroom teacher is the single most important factor in determining the quality of education that students receive in the individual classroom each year. More specifically, the quality of…