The Best Blogs Written By Teachers (For Teachers!)

Teachers, by far, have one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Not only are they responsible for educating the future, they must deal with administrators and angry parents, often work long hours, and certainly aren’t paid enough. That’s why most teachers prefer to relax when they get home, taking downtime and putting off grading papers as long as possible.
There are, however, those teachers that have the energy and passion to share their methods with others in the form of blogs. Yes, teacher blogs. These aren’t blogs that teachers write for their students. Instead, they are written for their fellow teachers. Sharing lesson plans, experience anecdotes, strategies for dealing with troubled students, and classroom décor inspiration (among other ideas), these blogs are a great resource for new teachers.
Below is our list of the best teacher blogs on the web.
The Best Blogs for Teachers
Laura Randazzo – Solutions for the Secondary Classroom
Special Education
Classroom Management/General
[…] And finally, a masterpost of other great blogs for teachers: […]
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