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Preparing for your American Board exams may seem overwhelming, especially if you’ve been out of school for years. But remember, the program’s design ensures you’ve got all of the study materials you need to be successful. You’ll need to pass a subject-area exam and a pedagogy exam.

See the study tips below to make sure you get off to a great start when preparing for your exams. It will help to remember your goal- you’re not studying to just pass the exams, you want to make sure you’ve got all the knowledge and skills you need to be the best teacher you can be. 

Use your study plan and create a study schedule

Your study materials include a study plan that will help you map out how much material you need to cover each week, how frequently you should study, and when you want to schedule your exams. The best approach includes study time throughout each week to ensure that you have time to cover all the material while balancing your studies with your work and personal life.

Watch the provided webinars

If you only focus on the written study materials, you’ll miss the valuable information presented in webinars. Webinars are found under the Program Information button on your account home page.

Utilize the practice quizzes and exams

Taking practice quizzes as you move through the material is a great way to assess whether you are absorbing the needed information. When you feel prepared to schedule a final exam, take the aligning practice exam first; if you score an 85% or higher, you should be successful on your final exam.

Learn the standards

Standards are not facts to memorize; instead they provide insight on what you need to know and be able to do. Being comfortable with the standards will help with your final exams and the work you do in the classroom.

Prepare for the writing portion of the PTK

Many candidates (mistakenly!) assume that they will pass the writing portion of the PTK without studying for it, but it isn’t as easy as it seems. If you fail the writing portion, you will need to retake the entire exam. Time yourself when practicing different writing prompts and familiarize yourself with how the essay is structured and graded

With a set study schedule and a focus on your goals, you should be able to pass your final exams and finish American Board’s program within a year. 

Use the comments to tell us how you prepared for American Board exams!

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