Words of Encouragement for Students

School is out for the summer and teachers across the country are taking time to share words of encouragement with their students. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2019-2020 school year has been unlike any other in our history. So this past semester of school wasn’t what students or teachers had envisioned. But as they always do, teachers everywhere stepped up to the plate. They found new and creative ways to teach, as well as new and creative ways to support and encourage their students.
American Board teachers were eager to share their words of encouragement, not only with their students, but with students everywhere. We’re sharing some of their input in this blog post. You can follow American Board on Facebook for daily video postings like this, from teachers across the country.
Biology Teacher Megan
“You guys are fantastic; I’m so proud of everything that you have accomplished! […] To my seniors, you’re moving on to the great big world. I know you’re going to do some outstanding things.”
English Teacher Melanie
“Be encouraged and stay strong! […]We all need to come together to be the best humans that we can be. Use this time to build yourself, build your character, build who you are and who you’re going to be.”
Elementary Teacher Katherine
“It’s important that all students remember the changes and growth that they’ve been through in the last few months. It’s been nothing short of amazing. Students have adapted and grown, changed and learned in ways that they never thought were possible!”
English Teacher Chase
“I’m proud of the work that you put in during this difficult time. You faced a lot of adversity, but I encourage you to take what you learned from this. […] Respond positivity to adversity, work hard and get things done!”
Supporting Students: Now and Always
Teachers join the profession because they care about students. In fact, most teachers don’t just consider teaching their jobs; it’s more like a calling or their life’s work. And teachers don’t just care about their students’ academic performance. They care about students’ growth as people with a range of desires and needs; they care about students’ growth as citizens and community members who will contribute and shape our society. It’s because they care so much that teachers remain committed to supporting students and adding positivity to their lives.
Teachers know that in these unique and bizarre times, they need to shine a light on the good in this world. American Board teachers step up to that challenge every time. To learn how you can become a teacher be a source of positivity and inspiration in your community, visit www.americanboard.org.