The 7 Best Apps for Teachers

Technology in the classroom is nothing new. From overhead projectors to Smart Boards, teachers have always incorporated technology into their lesson plans. And since the invention of the iPhone (and subsequently the iPad and Android phone series), educators have developed apps to improve the educational experience for both teachers and students. Below is our list of the best apps for the classroom.
1. Noise Down
Noise Down is an app that automatically sounds an alarm when the noise level in the classroom reaches a certain decibel. This is an easy way for students, especially in elementary school, to learn how to use their inside voices. It also saves the teacher from having to scream at students to keep it down. Download Noise Down here.
2. Pocket
Have you ever been on a website on your phone and seen an article you would like to read later? Perhaps you saw an intriguing headline while browsing the web during your lunch hour that you’d like to explore further at home after hours. Pocket helps you save these articles to be accessed later. Save a webpage on Pocket using a built-in bookmark on your browser or the Pocket app on your phone and access it on any computer or phone using your unique Pocket log-in. This is great for teachers to save long articles about education to read later at home. Sign-up for Pocket here.
3. Tales2Go
Like Netflix for audiobooks, Tales2Go makes reading fun for students of all ages. This app stores thousands of audiobook files, from The Diary of a Wimpy Kid to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, to be played in the classroom. Perfect for K-8 students, the app can be purchased by an individual teacher on a subscription basis or by a school on an annual basis. See the Tales2Go website for a full catalog list and more information about subscriptions.
4. MyCongress
Help your students “meet” their Congressmen through this handy app. Search by your zip code to find your elected officials and read their profiles. The app also links to articles, videos, social media sites, and the contact information of each official. Download here.
5. Socrative
Give quick quizzes, conduct surveys, and track your students’ responses in real-time using Socrative. Great for use on the iPad, Socrative is an easy way for your students to ask anonymous questions too. Learn more by visiting the Socrative website.
6. ClassDojo
ClassDojo is an app and website that helps teachers reinforce positive behavior in their students, aiding in smooth classroom management. Students earn points for teamwork, participation, correct answers, and other actions the instructor chooses to reward. Also, teachers can text parents with their child’s ClassDojo report and include notes. Learn more on the ClassDojo website here.
7. Common Core Standards
Perfect for math and English Language Arts teachers in states with Common Core, this app puts all of the Common Core standards for your state in the palm of your hand. There is a specific app available for each state that offers Common Core. Click here to download the app for your state.
Teachers, did we forget your favorite app? Let us know in the comments below!