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New Incentive Announced For Recent College Graduates Who Want to Become Teachers

American Board to offer $100 savings on teacher certification fees in May to celebrate graduations, Teacher Appreciation Week

Washington, DC (April 27, 2005) — Recent college graduates who want to become teachers—but did not earn degrees in education—can now pursue their teaching dreams through Passport to TeachingSM, an innovative teacher certification process offered by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (


In recognition of college graduation season and national Teacher Appreciation Week, the American Board will cut the Passport to Teaching application fee for recent graduates by $100 throughout the month of May. The incentive is designed to encourage teaching-minded individuals with bachelor’s degrees to achieve their goals.

Candidates for Passport to TeachingSM certification must demonstrate mastery on examinations of subject area knowledge and professional teaching knowledge. Individuals can prepare for certification on their own time and at their own pace, using preparation materials available from a variety of sources. No additional college courses are required unless the certification candidate chooses to participate in them for preparation purposes.

“America will need 2.4 million new teachers over the next 10 years,” said American Board President Dr. Kathleen Madigan. “If you have the skills, the intelligence, and the passion to teach—there is a classroom right now that needs you.”

Currently, Passport to TeachingSM certification is available in the areas of elementary education, English, mathematics, general science and biology. Passport to TeachingSM is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and accepted by several U.S. states as a route to full teacher certification.

To receive a free information kit, call 1-877-NOW-ABCTE or visit