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Human Physiology Chapter Quiz

1 / 25

Which of the following is a primary lymphatic organ?

2 / 25

Where do lymphocytes mature into T-cells?

3 / 25

How are oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged in the lungs and through cell membranes?

4 / 25

What lymphatic organ is largest during youth and decreases in size with age?

5 / 25

Which organ stores excess bile until needed for digestion?

6 / 25

Filtration at each glomerulus is directly related to

7 / 25

Which gland contributes fluid for seminal fluid?

8 / 25

Antibody-mediated (humoral) immune response targets

9 / 25

Which term is used for the definition: "the action of breathing in"?

10 / 25

What is the passageway, strengthened by cartilage rings, connecting the larynx to the bronchi?

11 / 25

What is the functional unit of the kidney?

12 / 25

Normally fertilization occurs in which of the following?

13 / 25

How many chromosomes does a human sex cell (sperm or egg) contain?

14 / 25

Which cells carry out the various functions of the liver?

15 / 25

Which group of hormones binds to distant target cells in the body?

16 / 25

What is the basic subunit of a striated skeletal muscle?

17 / 25

Which chemical compound stimulates skeletal muscle cells?

18 / 25

What attaches muscle to bone?

19 / 25

Blood returning to the human heart in a pulmonary vein will drain first into the

20 / 25

Compared with the rate at which nerve impulses travel down a myelinated axon, the rate of travel down an unmyelinated axon is

21 / 25

Identify the pathway of light from the environment to the retina.

22 / 25

Breathing and heart rate are controlled by the

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Which of the following is not a function of blood?

24 / 25

Which hormone is not involved in the control of glucose metabolism?

25 / 25

What is the passage through which food travels from the stomach to the small intestine?

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