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Celebrate Back to School: Become a Teacher

The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence Launches Online Teaching Information Sessions

WASHINGTON, DC (August 9, 2005) — Individuals with the desire to change careers and become teachers are invited to participate in free online Teaching Information Sessions, now offered by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (

 Starting on September 7, the American Board will provide potential teachers with detailed teaching and certification information during these innovative, multimedia sessions. Individuals can register to participate or receive more information by calling 1-877-669-2228.

 America needs 2.4 million new teachers over the next 10 years, and the American Board is working hard to encourage more talented professionals to pursue teaching. The American Board’s Passport to Teaching program is a premier national certification option– considered a “breakthrough” solution for highly knowledgeable career changers.

 Individuals with bachelor’s degrees can earn the Passport to Teaching certification by demonstrating mastery on the American Board’s rigorous subject area and professional teaching knowledge examinations. Additional college courses are not required unless the certification candidate chooses to participate in them for preparation purposes.

 Passport to Teaching is recognized as a route to state certification in Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Idaho and Utah. Many charter and private schools nationwide also recognize the certification, which is offered in a variety of subject areas.