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Category Archives For the Pros

Dyslexia, a common learning difference that affects language processing, impacts millions of people worldwide. In fact, an estimated 20 percent of Americans have dyslexia. Furthermore, people with dyslexia represent 80–90 percent of all those with learning disabilities as it…

World Teachers' Day 2024 (October 5) will focus on the theme "Valuing teacher voices: Towards a new social contract for education." This year, we'll emphasize the critical importance of listening to and empowering teachers as we reimagine the future…

For the work they do, teachers can never receive enough thanks. Every day, they work tirelessly to inspire and educate future generations. Their work is both challenging and rewarding, and many companies recognize these efforts by offering specific discounts…

As we all know, 2020 was unlike any other year. Professions across the world were pushed to their limits. Medical professionals faced challenges like never before, the hospitality industry came to a stop, and educators were told to leave…

Alternative teacher certification has existed for a long time. Recently, people have been asking how to get qualified teachers in our nation's classrooms. Alternative teacher certification programs have quickly increased in flexibility and affordability. They offer online classes and…

Teachers are incredibly resourceful at finding information and advice from fellow teachers. While reading blogs, scouting Pinterest, finding mentors, and buying lesson plans from other teachers, an educator can gather useful information to prepare herself for managing a classroom.…

Teaching is a historically female-dominated profession, but that is rapidly changing. More men than ever are now earning teacher certifications or degrees and taking their place in the classroom. While the percentage of men in the classroom is growing,…
