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Staying Fresh: Keeping your Heart in the Profession While Maintaining Effective Practice (2/28/15)


A 2/11/15 Education Week article titled 5 Questions Educators Must Ask Themselves Daily, speaks to the heart of the challenge that many experienced teachers in classrooms across the United States face during their careers. How do you keep the passion going; especially when faced with the enhanced rigor of modern day teaching requirements that many […]

A Common Curriculum & Standardized Testing: A Winding Road to a Worthy Goal


Those who have followed education policy and improvement efforts in the United States for at least the past 15 years know that two of the major points of debate have surrounded curriculum and assessment. Policy makers, business leaders, educators, and parents have wrestled with questions of “What is worth knowing?” and “How do we know […]

Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water: Differentiation Works, for Those Who are Willing (1/24/15)


The current era of accountability in education has placed increased demands on every level of the public school hierarchy in the United States. As a result of the focus on the measured performance of all students, pressure at the classroom level to ensure that all students are making progress and learning has increased. In response […]

Turnaround Schools: Demystification of their Impact and Success (12/27/14)


In a 12/17/14 Washington Post article titled Turning around schools with low achievement rates never seems to work, Jay Matthews offered an analysis of the success of the current turnaround school effort in the United States. Specifically, Matthews focused on the success of the School Improvement Grant (SIG) initiative, a part of the American Recovery […]

The Civic Benefit of STEM Education (12/13/14)


STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Math) education has been one of the focal points of school improvement efforts in the United States during the past 5 years. In response to the dearth of graduates in the STEM fields from colleges and universities throughout the United States, the federal government working through the Committee on STEM […]