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SIG: A Vehicle to Realize the Vision of School Improvement (6/21/15)


One of the most hotly debated elements of current school reform efforts driven from the federal level is the School Improvement Grant (SIG) initiative. SIG provides millions of dollars to states to help turnaround persistently underperforming or failing schools. States then provide funding, after application of course, to individual schools in local school districts. The […]

Effective Instructional Observation: An Ongoing Professional Dialogue Focused on Professional Practice and Student Achievement (5/30/15)


With all that principals have to do in the complex and fast-paced environment of today’s PK – 12 schools, teacher/instructional observation can often get lost as another item on the “to do” list. This is especially true in many current models of formal teacher observation where multiple extended observations of each staff member are often […]

Don’t Eat the Young: Balancing Accountability and Obligate Job Responsibilities for New Teachers (4/25/15)


Teaching is not for the faint of heart; it’s tough. This is especially true if you are a PK -12 teacher in a public school system. The reason is that public schools generally have no control over what students they are required to teach. Public school educators in the United States teach whoever shows up […]

Technology and the Evolution of the PK-12 Classroom (4/4/15)


Mass production and availability of computer technology since the year 1980 has forever changed the fabric of society throughout the world. As computer technology has become more and more pervasive, the cost of owning a personal computer has become more and more affordable. The emergence and subsequent prolific public use of the internet since 1990 […]

We Couldn’t Do It Without You: Principal Support is a Key in Establishing Effective Building Level Instructional Coaching (3/21/15)


As PK-12 education has evolved in the United States during the past 20 years, there has been an emphasis on creating career ladders for classroom educators. This is in response to two needs. First, as adult learners, expert or master teachers have a natural need to expand their practice beyond their classrooms in order to […]