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ABCTE Offers Program Savings for New Hampshire Elementary Teachers

WASHINGTON, DC (April 12, 2006) — The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) is offering program savings to  New Hampshire elementary teachers who need to validate their highly qualified status in accordance with the new regulations established in the Fall of 2005.  ABCTE’s Passport to Teaching program is an option for New Hampshire elementary teachers who need to meet Highly Qualified Teacher requirements. 


No Child Left Behind requires that all elementary and secondary teachers hold a New Hampshire certificate, possess a bachelor’s degree and demonstrate subject matter competency in core academic subjects by June 30, 2006.  Elementary teachers who use ABCTE’s Passport to Teaching program to demonstrate subject matter competency are considered highly qualified under No Child Left Behind.


ABCTE is offering enrollment in the Passport to Teaching certification program in elementary education, a refresher course and practice CD-ROMS to current New Hampshire teachers for $300 until July 1, 2006 –a savings of more than $400.  The refresher course and CD-ROMS are designed to help candidates prepare for the certification examinations in professional teaching knowledge and in elementary education. 


One of the most efficient ways for elementary teacher is New Hampshire to validate their highly qualified status is to complete the Passport to Teaching program, which demonstrates their mastery of knowledge to the state and is a route to full state certification in New Hampshire.


ABCTE’s Passport to Teaching certification is a respected, cost-effective and time-efficient process. Candidates for Passport to Teaching certification must demonstrate mastery on examinations of subject area knowledge and professional teaching knowledge. Individuals can prepare for certification on their own time and at their own pace, using preparation materials available from a variety of sources. Candidates are assigned an advisor who works with them to develop an Individualized Learning Plan.  No additional college courses are required unless the certification candidate chooses to participate in them for preparation purposes.

Passport to Teaching is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and accepted by several U.S. states as a route to full teacher certification.

For more information, teachers can call 1-877-669-2228 or visit