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ABCTE Launches Mentoring Program for New Teachers

WASHINGTON, DC (April 12, 2006)–  The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) today announced the launch of a new teacher mentoring program.  The program is designed for teacher s who have completed the American Board’s Passport to Teaching teacher certification program.


The program will provide beginning teachers with the support they need for success in the classroom.  “Mentoring programs are crucial for retaining new teachers and providing them with the guidance and support they need,” said American Board president David Saba.  “Developing this program allows us to provide candidates with the resources and training that new teachers need.”


Offered at no cost to the state, district or school, individuals who complete the Passport to Teaching program are encouraged to complete the American Board mentoring program during their first years in the classroom. The program combines online course modules, in-class activities and observations by an experienced teacher in the new teacher’s school.  The program cost to the teacher is $350.   


The American Board’s Passport to Teaching certification is a respected, cost-effective and time-efficient process. Individuals with bachelor’s degrees can earn certification by demonstrating mastery on subject area and professional teaching knowledge examinations. Passport to Teaching’s individualized preparation process is ideal for career changers because candidates can pursue certification while working full-time. 


Passport to Teaching is recognized as a route to state certification in Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Idaho and Utah. Many charter and private schools nationwide also recognize the certification, which is offered in a variety of subject areas.  Each state has its own requirements for certification.  


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