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ABCTE Announces Availability of Physics and Chemistry Certification

WASHINGTON, DC (May 1, 2006)—Knowledgeable individuals with bachelor’s degrees and a desire to teach physics or chemistry can now become certified teachers through the Passport to Teaching certification process offered by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE).  Schools across the nation are in greatest need of physics, chemistry and math teachers.


ABCTE is now accepting applications from individuals interested in pursuing Passport to Teaching certification in physics or chemistry.  The cost for the program is $560, but is being offered for $460 until June 15, 2006.  Candidates can save on the program fee when they apply online at  by entering the code Science100 on their application.  All individuals pursuing certification in chemistry or physics must demonstrate mastery on two examinations: the Professional Teaching Knowledge Exam and the subject area exam.

Designed specifically for career changers, ABCTE’s Passport to Teaching certification is a respected, cost-effective and time-efficient process.  Candidates for Passport to Teaching certification must demonstrate mastery on examinations of subject area knowledge and professional teaching knowledge. Individuals can prepare for certification on their own time and at their own pace, using preparation materials available from a variety of sources. No additional college courses are required.


ABCTE worked for more than a year to develop each of the certifications in physics and chemistry. The standards and certification development process included participation from leading teachers, education officials and physics and chemistry experts from across the nation.

Classrooms are facing unprecedented shortages in the sciences. According to the National Science Board, America’s classrooms need 240,000 math and science teachers over the next decade.  Additionally, a teacher recruitment study found that 98% of school districts have an immediate need for science teachers. 

In response to the national need, ABCTE is also launching a new initiative to recruit 5,000 math and science teachers across the country by May 2009.  The initiative aims to meet highly qualified teacher requirements and answer President Bush’s call for math and science professionals to pursue teaching. With certifications now available in chemistry and physics in addition to current certifications in math, general science, and biology, ABCTE is recruiting teachers for the some of the highest need subject areas. 


Passport to Teaching is recognized as a route to state certification in Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Idaho and Utah.  Each state has its own requirements for certification. 

For more information, or to request a free Introduction Kit, visit or call 1-877-669-2228.